About Me

I am Dharshan, I obtained my Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence & Data science from CMINDs at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. My research focuses on building resource-efficient neural architectures that can perform Image generation tasks like image inpainting. I have been associated with MeDAL (Medical Imaging, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Lab) and have worked under the supervision of Prof. Amit Sethi. I did my Bachelor's in Environmental engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay as well. I was working in Aerosol and Air Quality Research Laboratory under the supervision of Prof. Manoranjan Sahu, where I developed a novel source apportionment algorithm based on particles size instead of chemical composition data.

I have a keen interest in computer vision and have dabbled a bit in NLP as well. In addition to my scholastic research, i have pursued professional experiences through multiple internships in both AI as well as Environmental engineering. Some of the domains on which i have worked include: Image Inpaintig, Face-recognition, Image Generation, Diffusion models, GANs, Image Interpolation, 3D pose estimation and tracking, Environmental consulting, etc. Currently, i am looking to further my skills and knowledge by joining a reputable professional carrer.

I maintain a list of my publications under the Research tab and my full Resume is attached in the CV Tab.

Recent Updates

  1. Our paper titled “Resource-efficient image inpainting” has been accepted in ICLR 2023 TinyPapers .