Resource-efficient image inpainting

Published in TinyICLR2023, 2023

Image inpainting refers to the synthesis of missing regions in an image, which can help restore occluded or degraded areas and also serve as a precursor task for self-supervision. The current state-of-the-art models for image inpainting are computationally heavy as they are based on vision transformer backbones in adversarial or diffusion settings. This paper diverges from vision transformers by using a computationally-efficient WaveMix-based fully convolutional architecture, which uses a 2D-discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for spatial and multi-resolution token-mixing along with convolutional layers. The proposed model outperforms the current-state-of-the-art models for large mask inpainting on reconstruction quality while also using less than half the parameter count and considerably lower training and evaluation times.

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Recommended citation: Kumar, D.S., Jeevan, P., & Sethi, A. (2023). Resource-efficient image inpainting. Tiny Papers @ ICLR 2023.